Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tips that will help to save your battery life for more time

Tips to improve your battery life

By turning down the screen brightness to lowest

The display on Android phones is the biggest drain of battery, so it makes sense to turn it down as low as possible. This can add hours of life to the battery. As you know android phones have an auto-brightness setting that automatically adjusts the screen brightness based on light. But sometimes it will not work properly in dark as you have to set the brightness manually to the lowest setting that is comfortable to still see the screen.

By reducing screen timeout to 1 minute

Android phones will automatically dim and then turn off the display after a set interval. It is important to set a minimum time interval for a good battery life. The screen won't keep turning off while you're using the phone, but will do so if you're not using it after a few seconds or minutes. THE BEST INTERVAL OF TIME IS TO SET UNDER 1 MINUTE. It also depends upon your taste that how much you want to set the time interval for your phone.

By turning off GPS, Wi-Fi, Sync & Bluetooth

Android phones have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS which eats lot of battery. So it is important to turn them off when not being used. GPS can be turned off when not using the navigation feature of the phone. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can also be turn off when not being used. Switch all of them will help to you send more time with your phone. Also, Notifications, vibrations and hectic feed backs will also eats lots of battery. So, it is advice to also switch it off when you not require them. 

By closing unnecessary apps

Many task or apps are unnecessary running on your phone. They are not important for you as well as your device. But they are still running which eats lots of your device RAM as well as your battery life. So it is necessary to kill them as you can use help any task killer app.

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