Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Root or Un-Root android device

How to root Android device:

The process of rooting varies widely by device, but usually includes exploiting a security weakness in the firmware of the device, and then copying the su binary to a location in the current process's PATH (e.g. /system/xbin/su) and granting it executable permissions with the chmod command.

A supervisor application like SuperUser or SuperSU can regulate and log elevated permission requests from other applications.

Many guides, tutorials, and automatic processes exist for popular Android devices facilitating a fast and easy rooting process.

For example, shortly after the T-Mobile G1 was released, it was quickly discovered that anything typed using the keyboard was being interpreted as a command in a privileged (root) shell. Although Google quickly released a patch to fix this, a signed image of the old firmware leaked, which gave users the ability to downgrade and use the original exploit to gain root access.

Once an exploit is discovered, a custom recovery image that skips the digital signature check of a firmware update package can be flashed. In turn, using the custom recovery, a modified firmware update can be installed that typically includes the utilities (for example the Superuser app) needed to run apps as root.

Recently, Motorola, LG Electronics and HTC Corporation have added security features to their devices at the hardware level in an attempt to prevent retail Android devices from being rooted. For instance, the Motorola Droid X has a security boot-loader that will put the phone in "recovery mode" if unsigned firmware is loaded onto the device, and the Samsung Galaxy S II will display a yellow triangle indicator if the device firmware has been modified.

How to Un-Root Android device:

It depends on the model of your phone. Some are ridiculously easy to revert, some not so much. This is the most important question you can ask before you dive in and root your phone.

Usually the website you found the method to root your phone will also have a discussion about un-rooting and going back to stock firmware. Take the time to find and read this information so you’re aware of just how difficult it’s going to be to go back.

Pay close attention and create backups when recommended while you’re rooting your phone, as these may be needed to go back. We’ve not heard of any device that can’t be restored to factory firmware provided the original was backed up properly as recommended during the rooting process.

The most important thing to always remember is to ask for help. If you do find yourself stuck without a backup or a working phone and need to roll back, ask for advice. Android forums are full of fine folks from all walks of life, and the majority are more than happy to help. There’s a good chance you’re not the first person in that situation and a solution has already been worked up!

Note: There are some tools which can root or un-root your device just in few steps. 
These tools does not requires any technical assistance and they are 100% safe to use. Just read and follow the steps and it will done. But, it may or may not work depending on your android device.  I have mention one tool (One Click Root) to know how to root with theses tools.     
  1. One click Root 
  2. Rescue Root
One click Power Root: (how to root with this tool)

The tool is one click 100% safe.
  1. Firstly Download, the tool in your Windows Computer
  2.  Enable ' USB Debugging' on your device (on your phone Settings - > Developer Option – USB debugging).
  3. Enable ' Unknow Sources' on your device ( in Settings under Security).
  4. Install the Drivers for your Device, search in Google using Chip-set name or Brand name with model number you will find the drivers.
  5. Once Drivers installed Restart your computer.
  6. Open the Installed Root Tool (Click on Start Button or Shortcut Icon will be displayed in Desktop)
  7. Once you install the Software & Driver, Please restart your computer again.
  8. Connect your Phone to Computer using USB cable (Wait for 1mins).
  9. Click on Root Device (All Methods) Wait till it finished.
  10. Enjoy the rooting

Tool Features of One Click Root
  • Root
  • UnRoot
  • ADB Setting
  • Reboot into Recovery mode
  • Reset Userlock
  • Reset Gesture Lock
  • Reset Gmail
  • Wipe All Data
  • Reboot Device
The other tool mentioned above (Rescue Root) is also same as One Click Root 

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